To whom it may concern:
I recommend highly Richard L. Crandall as an advisor/mentor to CEO’s in high technology companies. I have known Rick for several years now. Rick and I serve on the Executive Advisory Board for Beacon Information Technology, a leading enterprise software company in Japan.
Rick has an excellent combination of hands-on operating experience with Comshare as well as strategic consulting experience with Giga Information Service. He has given valuable advice to numerous CEO’s and COO’s in young start-up companies.
Rick is particularly good at sensing new industry trends and translating them into what they mean to client companies. He then helps them form strategies to capitalize on these trends.
In addition to his professional credentials, one of his greatest assets is his ability to work with people. He is always positive and possesses an ability to logically argue pro’s and con’s of an issue without getting emotional. He is also very patient with people. I find it always a delight to work with him.
Whoever decides to use his service will find very quickly that Rick adds real value to the growth and future of the client company. In the process, that individual will also personally enjoy Rick’s company and have a lot of fun.
Yoshi Noguchi
President & CEO
InterBusiness Corporation